Friday, June 4, 2010

How do you handle Loneliness?

So this is way off from the fat acceptance topic, but how do you handle loneliness?

Lately it seems like the only physical human contact I have is at the end of a boffer. And even just chatting and doing something with other people it seems like all I have is work or amtgard (has to do with the boffers). I don't hang out with friends because the friends that aren't 500+ miles away are all really busy, sick all the time, or not really friends at all. And if I said a word of this to my family, my mother would just say, "Well you chose to go to school out there."  I go to work and come home to an empty silent apartment. I cook and sit down at my dinner table and eat by myself almost every single night. I can probably count on my fingers how many times I've had meaningful face to face conversations with people I care about in the last four months.

So I guess I'm not handling my loneliness very well.

1 comment:

  1. I used to get very lonely and bored too. But I started to find the things I needed within myself more and then for some reason... more people are in my life than ever before. I have to consciously fight for time to just chill, you know?

    It's hard to articulate, but there is a definite shift in thinking that I had that has left me with a much fuller perspective on life.
