Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lacking Literature

I've been doing more research into PCOS recently, but unfortunately I've found that there is a severe lack of information out there about it. At least as far as literature goes. What I've found is that there's four or five books about PCOS in general and a ton of others that are entirely about dieting with PCOS. But all of the books about it in general say the same things. None of them really help me deal with things on a day to day basis. All they tell me is what doctors say about it.

I want to know more about what other women go through. Did they go through a lot of doctors to get diagnosed? Did they have trouble finding the right combination of medications or do they not take medications at all? Were the reasons they went to the doctor in the first place related to getting pregnant or did they go for different reasons? How have they dealt with the emotional issues they suffer if they don't suffer emotional lows often enough to be described as "depressed"?

These books on PCOS only help with telling me the medical issues that doctors can treat with pills or shots or treatments. What about those things they can't treat? I'm having a bit of an issue right now because my life is in a state of flux as far as people I consider friends go, and where I'll be in the next year or so. It's hard because I don't have anyone here to talk to on a day to day basis who has the same issues to deal with.