Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lets Talk Trolls

Recently in the Fat-o-Sphere I have noticed a number of other bloggers being set upon by trolls, either on the internet or in real life. Some of them are pissed off about it, and some of them are feeling rather vulnerable because of it and then getting pissed off about it. Now while reading others posts about their troll problems I remembered a little saying my mother had taped to the fridge for the longest time.

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch."

While this thought is not particularly nice of me, I think it's appropriate considering how many days trolls have ruined for all us fatties out there. Honestly I think we'd run out of fleas before we ran out of trolls to infest.

But even should such an infestation occur, trolls will be trolls, and some days we can turn the other cheek to them and not be affected by their miasma of hate. And other days we crumble under the weight (ha!) of that hate. But we still try to keep our chins up. Because trolls hate themselves, and we are just the convenient target for their hate. But hey the idea of fleas and short arms helps me sometimes so I thought I'd share.


  1. LOL, I love it!

    I usually wish butt boils on them.

  2. Trolls don't bother me anymore. After my first, and last, run-in with MFS and Fat Bastard of Bigger Fatter Blog infamy, I figured that I don't know them in real life, will never know them in real life, no one I know in real life will ever know them, so whatever trolls have to say to/about me doesn't really matter. I don't have to interact with them in real life on an hourly basis (or even a daily/weekly basis), I know that whatever it is they're spouting about me isn't true, I'm not going to publish it so no one else is going to read it either, so why should I care what they think? Responding to them in any way/shape/form gives them exactly what they want - attention - and I refuse to do that. Trolls want attention, any kind of attention, and the more of it the better, as far as they're concerned. If it upsets you into the bargain, that's a bonus for them. I don't feed into their wants/needs at all. I still get comments from trolls from time to time, which is why I have comment moderation enabled on my blog and will always have it enabled. I know who the trolls are, and when I see who a post is from, I don't even have to read it, I can just delete it (and I do, I don't have the time or the energy to deal with their hate). As far as I'm concerned, trolls can eat shit and bark at the moon, it will get them about as much attention from me (which is to say - none).
    I run into the same crap on Pogo in one of the rooms I play in quite often. I have friends in there with whom I like to chat, and there are people who come and love to make nasty comments to us/about us. There's a mute option for people in chat, and I use it. I figure those people are trolls, they're miserable and aren't happy unless they're trying to make everyone else miserable too. I refuse to give them the attention they seem to crave, and when everyone ignores them, they go away (too bad there are some people who haven't learned that you can't argue with trolls, and you won't change a troll's mind).
