Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Douchecanoe

Dear Douchecanoe,

Leaving nasty little notes in elevators telling people to take the stairs is not appropriate. It is not funny to tell people that they are worthless, ugly, lazy pigs because they take the elevator instead of using the stairs. Do you realize how many people are disabled but not visibly so in our school? Do you know how many people take the elevator because a previous injury makes taking the stairs painful? Obviously not, or you would not be leaving such notes in the elevators.

Please consider respecting other human beings by not choosing to comment on their bodies or self worth, even in writing.


Uses the Elevator

So the story behind this is that someone on my campus has taken to writing nasty little things on one of those little cough notices in the elevator. Telling people to stop taking the elevator up one floor. This week, on top of being hormonal, sleep deprived, and just all around cranky, I found one of these notes had turned viral. Words like "lazy" and "ugly" have begun to appear in the same handwriting as the first note. So I'm a little more than peeved at this person. Mind you I know there's nothing that will change this persons opinion, and writing anything back just encourages them, but I am so tired of whoever this is being judgmental in this way. This is my way of getting it off my chest without writing something on their little note...Maybe I should go to the dean of the college and ask him to take down the notes anytime this person writes on them.

1 comment:

  1. Take one of the notes, scan or photograph it, and post it to the passive aggressive notes blog. Then print out all of the pages of comments ridiculing his douchatude and post it up in the elevator.
