Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hate Groups

Today in my magazine writing class we discussed hate groups. The reason this was brought up was the professor brought in a magazine that had a huge section devoted to hate groups and anti-government/patriot groups. One thing I noticed is that all of the groups mentioned are Anti-Semitic, White Supremacist, Anti-gay, Holocaust Deniers, and other things of that racial/religious ilk. So what do I do? I open my mouth and say, "Well I think it's interesting that fat hate groups aren't in there because their just as virulent and damaging, if not mores so, than all of the groups mentioned." My professor gave me a funny look and started saying something about how can we judge other people and say their ideas are crazy or bogus or whatever. It kinda made me mad because it's a completely valid argument. White Supremacists whole idea is that their skin color makes them better than black, it's the same exact thing for people who form those website or groups on facebook who fat bash. Now I also mentioned this to my mother, and she did the "Uh-huh, that's nice dear, I'll humor you," voice.

So I'm thinking some research is in order for some of these groups and websites. I know they're out there. Then I want to write an article for this class. Any of you fat acceptance ladies want to be interviewed to give your POV? Mind you it may never be published or see the light of day but I've been thinking about writing an article about fat acceptance and the kind of crap fat people have to put up with on a day to day basis the entire semester. So now that my pet-peeve meter has gone DING! it's time to get to it.


  1. I'd be more than happy to help if you need me hon.

    I truly believe by continually wearing away at this we will make things change. But it's going to take a whole lot of time.

  2. Yay! Let me do some more research and think on some questions to ask and then I'll send you an email with the questions to answer. And you are free to give the "no-comment" response on any of the questions you don't wanna answer. ^_^
