I know most of you probably watch the news. Normally I don't but a lot of times that's the only thing blaring about the halls when I'm waiting for my class to start. Well today not only did I see something on the news about how they're changing the name of High Fructose Corn Syrup because people are scared it'll cause obesity, but there are now two ways for you to lose weight. Mind you I have to give them credit they did say that there have been no actual conclusive studies done that high fructose corn syrup causes obesity. But it was the next part that made me want to vomit. You can now have your fat frozen or deflated to get rid of it.
Now tell me, how the hell do they deflate your fat? It just sounds ridiculous to me! And freezing your fat? Doesn't freezing actually make things expand? I know when you freeze a water bottle the bottom puffs out and if you're not careful they can explode. And what is the human body made of primarily? Water or some other kind of liquid. None of it sounds safe or even sane to me.
Doctors who do this I dub thee nuts.
More mutilation in the name of fat loathing.