So it's kinda chilly out still and supposed to get colder. So I'm imbibing of a little drink I like to call Shananigans. It's extra chocolatey hot chocolate and a spalsh of Creme de Menthe with a swirl of whipped cream on top. The reason I came up with this is that I can't seem to find any hot chocolate mix that has mint flavoring in it. Or if it does basically tastes like hot minty water with very little chocolate. So shortly after I turned 21 I purchased some of the aforementioned alcohol and used it in my hot chocolate. And sure enough it turned out really good!
Anyway I'm just blabbing at the moment, not much going on in regards to my self image or anything. Mostly I've been to busy to really concentrate on that. And midterms are coming up fast.
Whoa yum! I think I'm going to have to try this!