So, it's been a while since I wrote. To start, my boyfriends visit went well, regardless of him putting his foot in his mouth once. XD But guys do that, must guys don't know how to be tactful. Other than that, things have been snowballing around here and rapidly headed towards finals. I'm feeling pretty good and all my planetickets for the holiday season are purchased and planned out.
Now, recently the news has been concentrating on things that I really don't care about. "Are Brad and Angelina breaking up?" "Sara Palin's Book!" "Rosies Love Life Revealed!" and about that one chick who supposedly made some sex tapes. Ok whatever I do not care. Could you please cover something that is actually newsworthy and not complete bullshit. You know this is the reason I got rid of my cable. There's nothing worth watching on. And the only reason I hear what I do hear is that the TV's on campus are turned to CNN, MSNBC, and all those other news shows. It drives me nuts. Grrrr, hate the media.
This is why I don't bother with the traditional media at all. Every bit of news I get is from social media (Twitter, Facebook, Digg, blogs etc) because then I choose news that is relevant to me, and filter out all the pap!