Has nothing to do with age! XD Nope this have everything to do with everything due or happening on the same days when you're in college and a special event that's coming up. Tomorrow I have 1. a test in my bio class that I have to study for and 2. a 34 pg. reading assignment about Homer that we will be discussing in my Ancient Greece class. Now sometimes I don't mind reading assignments...but this is one of those times where I want to smack my professor. You see, it's taken 20 minutes to load this document that I'm supposed to read, and then I have t print it out, oh and parts of it are in ancient Greek. Lovely.
Ok, I'm gonna drop that before I get on my soap box.
Now on to the good news. In 30 days, my boyfriend will be here. This will be the first time we've met in person due to his job and my schooling. (He's in the Air Force, I'm in college obviously)
So do you ever wonder where the hell they came up with the perfect measurements for women? I do, I honestly think it's ridiculous for people to be judged by a number on a measuring tape. Now I know how important these measurements are to people who sew clothing and such (I sew so I've used my own and other people's measurements). But to go on and on about how this or that woman has the perfect body shape or measurements is just as bad as going on about the number on the scale. So unless you are having clothes made for you, are making clothes for yourself, or not sure about size when ordering over the internet, don't measure your waistline, don't measure your bust. *steps off her soap box and hides it under the bed again*
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